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AHP Member Forum  

AHP Member Forum is the members-only area of the Huddle. Become a member today to access conversations, resources, libraries, and other exciting content!

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AHP Now  

AHP Now is your source for the latest news on health care philanthropy, industry news and advocacy efforts on behalf of all health care development professionals. Browse our library or sign up for a daily or weekly digest to have the latest news delivered straight to your inbox.

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Major Gifts  

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Regional Health Systems Peer Group  

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2022 Madison Institute | Fundamentals of Resource Development (Track 1 ...  

This fast-paced, highly participatory track provides an overview of skills and knowledge required within a comprehensive development program. A focus on personal gift solicitation is complemented by an overview of special event fundraising and annual, major, and planned giving. Special sessions address board and physician giving and tax laws (separate sessions for U.S. and Canadian participants). Attendees will also learn about development structure, strategic planning, and how privacy laws affect fundraising.

  last person joined one year ago

2022 Madison Institute | Advanced Skills for Major Gifts (Track 5)  

This track will focus on successful leadership and problem-solving skills to better motivate and engage healthcare CEOs, volunteers, and investor-type donors in major gifts program. Participants are required to bring actual solicitation experiences and challenges for group case work discussions and solutions.

  last person joined one year ago

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Pacific Area Peer Group  

  last person joined 11 months ago

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2022 Madison Institute | Annual Giving (Track 2)  

This course is a comprehensive account of annual giving strategies, tools, skills, and approaches for specific constituencies and other keys to success. Learn new skills, gather ideas and be inspired. Expert faculty and classmates share proven approaches you can use on the job to increase your fundraising revenue and to build a pipeline of donors for major, planned, and campaign gifts. Walk away with tools you can use immediately at your organization to build or update your annual plan.

  last person joined one year ago

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2022 Madison Institute | Planned Giving (Track 6)  

This course explores the components of a successful planned giving program, offering an in-depth explanation of planned gift instruments (in both the United States and Canada) and their uses in funding major gifts. This year, understanding the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 on planned giving will be an important benefit derived from attending this course.
Emphasis will also be placed on ‘small shop’ program design and implementation, and the marketing of gift planning from the donor’s perspective. Walk away with practical tips and tools you can use immediately at your organization to build an effective planned giving program that will help attract, inspire and retain your most loyal donors.

  last person joined one year ago

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2022 Madison Institute | Healthcare 101 (Mini-Track)  

Wondering what all these acronyms mean, why the administration is structured the way it is, how to understand hospital finances, stay on the right side of patient privacy laws, or best work with clinicians? This brand-new mini track is for you.
The healthcare sector can be confusing, and this course will help demystify the seemingly endless complexity of your new role. Get up the learning curve fast so you can focus on the critical work of supporting your organization's mission by working with donors.

  last person joined one year ago

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2022 Madison Institute | Elements of Major Gifts (Track 3)  

This course is a comprehensive journey through the world of major gifts, from concept to the practical application of knowledge for cultivation and solicitation strategies. Students will have the opportunity for one-on-one consulting time with faculty and will leave with individual action plans to implement immediately.

  last person joined one year ago

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2022 Madison Institute | Fundraising Management (Track 7)  

Excellent fundraising skills are crucial for professional advancement, but each stage of a development officer’s career demands more and better leadership and management skills. This comprehensive, interactive program focuses on contemporary leadership and management strategies to prepare participants to succeed as a healthcare development executive.

  last person joined one year ago

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COVID19 Discussion & Share Board  

  last person joined 2 years ago

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2021 Virtual Institute - Elements of Major Gifts  

  last person joined 2 years ago

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